machine will do x human will do why
Antye Greie-Ripatti aka AGF (DE/FI)
performance, 2019
selfpredicting algo-rhythms & counter{argue}ments
selfpredicting algo-rhythms & counter{argue}ments
Antye Greie-Ripatti aka AGF (DE/FI), audio sculptress, poetess and new media artist, who utilizes language, electronics, field recordings, politics; explores speech within the depths of electronic music sculpting glowing post-internet tapestry. @poemproducer
Antye Greie-Ripatti
aspect: what is human ?
before language, there were networks
trans-building the entire planet
intricate, intelligent, urgent, thoughtless
growing, purpose, evoluting
the same networks are still in place
{indepted to radical mycology}
what is human ?
farming, digisphere
code – algorithms
building tools
solidarity selfdestruction
gathering data sets throwing
dark shadows
implementing self-correcting
rise and falls
first they burned the witches
now they rebuilding algorithms to replace them
collecting our DNA
but all politics begins from a feeling of connection
AGI = GENERAL {2030}
ASI = SUPER {2060}
living our lives online
with potential for problem-solving
unique to have visions but can we correct them
solutions from the underground